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To connect in a more conscious way with our uterus and menstrual cycle, for energetic cleaning of the uterus and to accompany evolutionary processes.

Macadamia oil macerated in bellis and essential oils of bergamot and lemon.
Organic and organic farming ingredients.

 Elaborated during a whole lunar phase (beginning and end in the crescent moon), ritualized with minerals and sacred prayers, to receive the energy of this menstrual phase (pre-ovulation).

Recommendations for use:
It can be applied on wrists, solar plexus and feet.
It is recommended to use on a crescent moon, in your pre-ovulatory phase or when you need to invoke its energy.
In girls who have not yet had their menarche, use a crescent moon applied to the lower abdomen (area of the uterus).

Recommended for:
Connect in a more conscious way with our uterus and menstrual cycle.
Energetic cleaning of the uterus (old and present memories).
As a reinforcement of other therapies, in case of pathologies of the female reproductive system.
It helps in conception (when there is no medical problem).

Sacred Temple - Uterus Oil

SKU: 1124
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